What is Cupping?

Asya Hacamat

What is Cupping? Cupping is the collection of blood by vacuum from small incisions in the skin. It is said that cupping, one of the ancient medical methods dating back to the ancient Egyptians, is good for many ailments. Cupping, a type of acupuncture method dating back 5000 years, is done by scratching the skin with a scalpel and drawing blood with the suction power created by a wide-mouthed glass, jar or bottle. Traditionally, it is applied to areas close to the organ where there is pain, ache or disease. It is known that cupping therapy is good for many diseases. Cupping is the act...

How is Cupping Performed?

Asya Hacamat

How is Cupping Performed? Modern and Hygienic cupping cups are vacuumed and stuck to the area where cupping will be applied for 1-3 minutes. As a result of this vacuuming, dirty blood begins to collect in the vacuumed area. The cups that are left as long as the vacuum created by the cupping cups completely numb the area. The cups are removed and very thin incisions are made with a scalpel or scalpel. These incisions will be at most 0.5 cm long and 1-2 mm deep. Then the cups are vacuumed to the incision area again. The dirty blood and fluids that have accumulated in the body and need to ...

When is cupping performed?

Asya Hacamat

When is cupping performed? The seasonally recommended circumcision is to be performed in spring and autumn. It is also highly recommended for those who live in hot countries, especially in the summer months when the heat sets in. Also, those who live in hot countries and have high blood pressure should only have it done twice in the summer, it is not enough. It is also beneficial if done in winter months, but its benefits are less. The most beneficial Hijri months are the ones performed on the 15th, 17th and 19th of the Hijri calendar. However, if cupping therapy is performed for the tr...

What are the benefits of cupping?

Asya Hacamat

Cupping is, in short, the process of removing the impurities that cause diseases in the body, as practiced by our Prophet (pbuh). Cupping is a very important treatment method that was described by our Prophet 1400 years ago, using contaminated, bloodless fluid that paralyzes our immune system. Cupping is the easiest way to protect yourself from diseases and live a healthy life without pain, ache, bed rest or loss of work. Cupping is the process of removing heavy metals, toxins, free radicals, toxins and residues left in the body by the drugs used, which the body cannot expel. Circumcision ...

What diseases is cupping good for?

Asya Hacamat

MIGRAINE, HEADACHE AND SINUSITIS One of the biggest problems, especially for women, is migraine and headaches. A headache that drives you crazy, a very strong sensitivity to light and then nausea. Fluctuating and throbbing pain. The medications used are instant solutions. Maybe it relieves the pain or slows it down, but the next migraine attack is waiting for you to be triggered. However, 3 sessions of cupping applied to the head area completely eliminates migraine. LUMBAR AND CERVICAL DISC HERNIA In the treatment of lumbar disc herniation and cervical disc herniation, cupping is usually ap...

History of cupping and development of cupping

Asya Hacamat

History of cupping and development of cupping This treatment is called cupping by Muslims. It is the application of a suction cup to the skin to draw out stagnant, excess blood and excess energy, stagnant, disease-causing body fluids. It is usually done with a glass cup; in the past, it was also done with bone, horn and bamboo. Cupping is an incredibly ancient and universal practice that has spread throughout both the East and the West. All of the world's indigenous peoples and primitive shamanistic practices had shamans who specialized in treating illnesses and disabilities of the body ...

Hadiths about cupping

Asya Hacamat

Hadiths about cupping Hadiths about cupping compiled from Kutubi sitte, Bukhari and similar Hadiths books! Hadith No 6996 –  Hz. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Every group of people I passed by during the Miraj said to me, ‘O Muhammad! Order your nation to receive cupping!’” Hadith No 3984  – Hz. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would receive cupping therapy from the veins on both sides of his neck and the vein between his shoulders. Hadith Sharif No 3983  – Abu Kas...

What should be done before and after cupping?

Asya Hacamat

What should be done before and after cupping? Before cupping Cupping is performed on an empty stomach; food and drink should be stopped approximately 3 hours beforehand.If blood thinners are used, they should or can be stopped approximately 3 days in advance under the supervision of a physician. Cupping done on a full stomach causes many diseases. The reason why cupping is done on an empty stomach is that the total fat and glucose rate and other harmful substances in the blood are at low levels when hungry. In this case, the heart, liver and kidneys are more active. There are approximat...

Nutritional patterns according to blood types

Asya Hacamat

Nutritional patterns according to blood types How should proper nutrition be? “O prophets! Eat of good things and do righteous deeds” (Surah Al-Muminun, 51) If you pay attention, eating comes before action in the verse. Our elders used to say, “First learn to eat, then talk about knowledge.” Today, everyone talks about knowledge even though they have forgotten how to eat right. Those who do not know how to eat cannot distinguish right from wrong, cannot do righteous deeds, cannot do good deeds, in other words, those who are not of benefit to themselves cannot be of benefit to others. “If a...

Why should cupping be performed?

Asya Hacamat

Why should cupping be performed? If the blood circulation in the body slows down or is blocked, the body becomes sluggish and constantly feels tired and exhausted.Cupping is the oldest and fastest-acting method used to remove dirty blood that slows down blood circulation and the inactive system in the body. One of the most important factors in the wear and tear of the skin is that constant introverted thoughts, sorrow, grief and worry wear out the skin and make a person look older than they are. This is also related to the person's temperament. As a skin beautifier, cupping therapy is mor...

Is it possible to treat infertility with leeches?

Asya Hacamat

Is it possible to treat infertility with leeches? We want to talk to people who want to have children but have tried many methods and have not been successful, explain the methods and discuss them. We say that infertility treatment is possible using leeches (girudoteratiya). Dear Ladies, you can always reach us and at least get answers to your questions. Leech therapy is possible without pills and scalpels and has no side effects… Hirudotherapy is becoming more and more popular every day. It is known that these leeches are used to treat many diseases, including gynecological diseases. I...

Which diseases can be treated with Leech Therapy?

Asya Hacamat

Which diseases can be treated with Leech Therapy? Each leech produces an additional 86 enzymes. No other drug can produce this many enzymes. For example, it has an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect. It strengthens the body's immunity with its vitamin richness. Immunostimulant. It provides properties that can be exemplified as adhesion, which allows wounds and post-operative stitched areas to heal very quickly. No other substance creates such miracles in nature. How do leeches treat disease? – First, it secretes enzymes. Then they reach the necessary tissues and organs in the body ...

How often should leech therapy be performed?

Asya Hacamat

How often should leech therapy be performed? What is the dosage required for treatment with leeches? Every human body is different, so no treatment should be the same dose. Remember that this is very important. The world's population is increasing rapidly every day and the number of doctors, hospitals, etc. is insufficient because it cannot be increased at the same rate. When we go to the doctor, the disease is diagnosed according to the examination results and doctors prescribe certain drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies and ask the patient to use them. While the drugs are being p...