What diseases is cupping good for?


One of the biggest problems, especially for women, is migraine and headaches. A headache that drives you crazy, a very strong sensitivity to light and then nausea. Fluctuating and throbbing pain. The medications used are instant solutions. Maybe it relieves the pain or slows it down, but the next migraine attack is waiting for you to be triggered. However, 3 sessions of cupping applied to the head area completely eliminates migraine.


In the treatment of lumbar disc herniation and cervical disc herniation, cupping is usually applied to the painful area. The deposits in the herniated area and the dirty blood there are vacuumed and removed. The most successful and frequently applied diseases for cupping is the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. It is completely cured with 6-7 sessions of cupping applications at regular intervals.


It is very beneficial to apply it to the areas behind the liver, the head and the aching areas, especially the kneecap and the outer parts of the calf. The pain goes away immediately after the cupping. However, in advanced cases, it may need to be repeated by an expert cupper for 4-5 sessions. The result is seen 100% especially in the neck and shoulder-like pains. It is inflammatory joint rheumatism, the cause of which is not fully known, and is seen 3 or 4 times more in women than in men. These joint disorders start to affect other organs in the advanced stage. It is very dangerous especially when it affects the brain, heart and veins. Cupping is applied to the appropriate places from the points below according to the person's complaint.


No matter where cupping is applied, it is extremely good for high blood pressure. Blood pressure drops, starts to return to normal, in other words, it is balanced. The most suitable areas are the heart, head and head. The first starting point for blood pressure should always be the upper point. As is known; wounds of diabetics heal a little late. Therefore, care should be taken as much as possible in diabetics and the patient should avoid cupping when their blood sugar is very high. However, cupping should be performed when their blood sugar is reduced to a certain level (with the medications they use or with a diet). This is also the case with low blood sugar. First, the blood sugar should be balanced and cupping should be performed on the appropriate places from the points below.


Difficulty in perception, inability to understand because of not being able to concentrate while reading a book or newspaper, difficulty in remembering the recent past, extreme forgetfulness, not being able to perceive what the other person is asking at once can sometimes be a symptom of depression and sometimes Alzheimer's. In such cases, cupping is performed on the top of the head, on the shoulder blades and behind both ears.


Chronic fatigue and weakness can sometimes be caused by a weakened immune system, or by nervous disorders such as depression. In this case, metabolism needs to be accelerated. For this, cupping is applied to the back, behind the liver, behind the head and the heart. Visible progress and relief are felt in the first treatment. Energy comes to the body.


The most suitable points for kidney diseases are the kidney line on the back, the heel of the right foot, and the tops of the right and left feet.


They are generally skin diseases that occur in people with weak immune systems. It is known that psoriasis is related to the liver and the weakness of the immune system, as well as its nervous dimension. However, it should be known that it is wrong to say that cupping is a definitive solution for psoriasis. Session applications performed from the back, behind the liver, to the head and shoulders give very good results.


Cupping is of great importance in heart blockages, palpitations, a feeling of tightness in the heart and a feeling of pain in the chest. Cupping is also of great importance in blood circulation and vascular problems. With cupping, dirty blood will leave the body and new blood cells will be produced, clean blood will be provided and circulation will be relieved. God willing…


Cupping from the back behind the liver, the head and shoulders is good for high cholesterol and liver diseases. It is necessary to have a qualified cupper perform cupping on these areas.


There is one thing that must be known for sure: cupping increases the brightness of the eye. After cupping is finished, the person feels as if they have come out of a dim environment into the light. The eye's vision increases. It is good for this disease at the beginning of cataracts. However, cupping should not be performed if the cataract has advanced. This is also a very important point. It is beneficial for myopia or hyperopia disorders. At least, the increase in eyeglass numbers stops in many people.


It is performed on the points behind the heart, liver and back behind the stomach and intestines. However, those who overeat and gain weight should not expect help from cupping. They should help themselves first and try to eat healthy. Because cupping does not help you lose weight. It only helps.


The success of the treatment for varicose veins is variable. There is no guarantee, but after cupping behind the heart and liver, the clots accumulated at the point where the varicose veins are cleaned and the nearest nerves and muscles are stimulated. Cupping is not applied directly to the varicose area or to an area very close to it. Cupping applied to the starting center of the varicose area, not to the varicose area, is very successful.


As it is known, the only thing on earth that has no cure is aging and death. Because as stated in the verse, "Every soul will taste death." Every individual who has a life will definitely age. However, the signs of aging can be slowed down, the skin can be cleared. The signs of aging occur with some slowdowns and deteriorations in the slow metabolism. Sleeping too much, eating too much, and harmful habits increase this acceleration. The most important reason for the body to remain vigorous is the abandonment of morning sleep. Because in ancient times, people used to go to bed early in the evening (after the Isha prayer) and wake up early in the morning. It is known that Islamic scholars were awake during the dawn hours and took a kaylula (afternoon nap or midday nap) in the afternoons as required by the Sunnah of the Prophet. In this way, people in the past both lived longer and stayed vigorous. Cupping applied to the head cleanses the skin area from toxins and thus brightens and freshens the skin.


It is a disease of the wrist. It occurs as a result of compression of the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. This disease is usually seen more in those who work in jobs that strain the wrists. It has symptoms such as numbness in the hand and arm at night, loss of strength in gripping, and pain relief when shaking the hand. It can be cured with cupping applied to the shoulder and biceps muscles.


When we say analytical thinking ability, we should not make inferences for mentally disabled individuals from what we have explained here. What we mean is normal intelligence, and it is valid for situations such as not being able to pay attention, make sudden decisions, or concentrate due to negative factors such as depression, magic, etc.


Cupping is incredibly useful in cases of bedwetting at night and involuntary incontinence during the day, especially in young children. We also hear about people around us who are older, especially over the age of 50, who cannot hold their bowel movements. In both cases, that is, in cases of incontinence in both adults and children, cupping is applied to the person behind the ear, on the head, on the back and above the coccyx. The Shafi Truth is only Allah


Cupping treatment is very beneficial for such people. Because it is much more beneficial especially if it is done at a young age. The basic principle in such diseases is that the pituitary gland, which provides the hormone secretion function, does not do its job or is blocked. The solution starts with stimulating the relevant nerves. It is parallel to the locked problem we wrote below.


When people who first started having cupping, there were decreases in almost all of these complaints. Again, there is no scientific research on this subject. Because the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) recommends miswak for tooth and gum diseases. It is known in the studies conducted that miswak prevents tooth decay, protects the gums, prevents bad breath and strengthens tooth enamel. However, it should be known that cupping done from the beginning also prevents gum inflammation and eliminates inflammation if any.


Cupping is a hundred percent solution for neck and back pain seen in individuals who have to work at a desk, students, etc. I say one hundred percent because I have personally encountered many cases. The dirty blood taken from the shoulder and back opens the blockage in that area and relaxes the circulation there. It immediately disperses the pain known as kulunç in the public language and fibromyalgias formed in the back and shows its effect in about 3-4 minutes. Depending on the severity of the pain and the chronicity of the condition, cupping is repeated in this area for three sessions.


In addition to physical diseases, a number of spiritual diseases can also occur in human beings. For example; a spell was cast on the Prophet (PBUH) at the time and he suffered greatly from this. After the revelation of the Felak and Nas surahs, the Prophet (PBUH) asked a person named Abu Taybe to perform cupping on him in order to remove the effects of the spell. Again, it is written in the source books that cupping performed from the beginning removes the deep-rooted 50-year spell. In addition, cupping performed behind the heart is a cure for obsessions. It causes spiritual aptitude. Cupping performed on the back, heart level, and liver points is good for spiritual illnesses.